As at December 31, 2020 and 2019

SAR ’000
SAR ’000
Operating activities
Net income for the year before zakat 5,483,997 6,232,066
Adjustments to reconcile net income for the year to net cash from operating activities:
Accretion of discounts and amortisation of premium, net on non-FVIS instruments, net (89,884) (112,349)
Gains on non-trading investments, net 22 (305,068) (255,486)
Gains (loss) on trading investments, net (30,251) (21,569)
Dividend income (102,518) (102,866)
Depreciation of property and equipment 10 488,344 438,976
Share in earnings of associates, net (19,368) (153,333)
Impairment charge for investments, net 44,192 (48,028)
Impairment charge for credit losses and other provisions, net 8 (f) 2,061,743 1,012,284
7,531,187 6,989,695
Net (increase) decrease in operating assets:
Statutory deposit with SAMA (782,994) (1,038,289)
Due from banks and other financial institutions
maturing after three months from date of acquisition
616,000 494,645
Positive fair value of derivatives (950,110) (322,222)
Fair value through income statement (FVIS) (43,706) (619,607)
Loans and advances, net (19,351,710) (23,927,290)
Other real estate (90,997) (5,652)
Other assets (908,685) (102,298)
Net increase (decrease) in operating liabilities:
Due to banks and other financial institutions 28,664,423 4,543,966
Negative fair value of derivatives 991,708 374,956
Customer deposits 8,521,437 24,695,743
Other liabilities 624,921 2,008,446
24,821,474 13,092,093
Zakat paid (1,117,728) (905,404)
Net cash from operating activities 23,703,746 12,186,689
Investing activities
Proceeds from sales and maturities of investments not held as FVIS instruments 59,737,569 61,539,244
Purchase of investments not held as FVIS instruments (61,496,377) (64,609,430)
Purchase of property and equipment, net (478,927) (333,802)
Net cash used in investing activities (2,237,735) (3,403,988)
Financing activities
Debt securities in issue, net 14 1,680,979 (755)
Dividend paid (1,654,811) (2,757,618)
Cash used in financing activities 26,168 (2,758,373)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 21,492,179 6,024,328
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 23,473,417 17,449,089
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 28 44,965,596 23,473,417
Special commission received during the year 9,513,410 10,372,322
Special commission paid during the year 1,714,624 2,433,950
Supplemental non-cash information
Net changes in fair value and transfers to consolidated statement of income 736,232 1,121,971
ROU assets 842,940 607,637
ROU lease liabilities 543,855 401,563

The accompanying notes 1 to 42 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


