Consolidated Statement Of Income

As at December 31, 2020 and 2019

SAR ’000
SAR ’000
Special commission income 20 9,813,394 10,371,426
Special commission expense 20 1,599,789 2,534,411
Net special commission income 8,213,605 7,837,015
Fee and commission income 21 2,710,220 2,880,929
Fee and commission expense 21 836,665 850,184
Fee and commission income, net 1,873,555 2,030,745
Exchange income, net 412,614 342,658
Trading income, net 218,297 132,806
Dividend income 102,518 102,866
Gains on disposal of non-trading investments, net 22 305,068 255,486
Other operating income 23 79,464 15,487
Total operating income, net 11,205,121 10,717,063
Salaries and employee-related expenses 24 1,939,428 1,879,017
Rent and premises-related expenses 177,716 200,189
Depreciation of property, equipment and right of use assets 10 488,344 438,976
Other general and administrative expenses 974,969 1,035,685
Other operating expenses 54,100 120,207
Total operating expenses before impairment charge 3,634,557 3,674,074
Impairment charge for credit losses and other financial assets, net 8 (f) 2,061,743 1,012,284
Impairment charge (reversal) for investments, net 44,192 (48,028)
Total operating expenses, net 5,740,492 4,638,330
Net operating income 5,464,629 6,078,733
Share in earnings of associates, net 19,368 153,333
Income for the year before zakat 5,483,997 6,232,066
Zakat for the year 26 769,000 630,000
Net income for the year 4,714,997 5,602,066
Basic and diluted earnings per share (in SAR) 25 1.57 1.87

The accompanying notes 1 to 42 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


